

Hallie {7 years old}

Hallie {7 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Lillie {6 months}

Lillie {6 months}
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father's Day

 I read an article that a friend of mine had posted on Facebook titled: Dad's, wake the hell up! found here. It's written by a stay at home dad who hears about dads(from stay at home moms) who just don't care to take the time to get to know their kids. It's a great article and one worth reading. Men don't get it. They don't get how hard it really is to stay home and talk to toddlers while trying to keep a clean house. Clean up after toddlers. Go run errands with toddlers. Have friends of said toddlers over for a playdate. Hear toddlers fight and whine. Discipline toddlers. And they never will.
 I am lucky. Brett does an amazing job with the kids. He is the one that helps Hallie learn to read (because I am impatient), He is the one to teach both kids how to play soccer in the backyard (because I don't like the sport), He is the one who works 12+ hours almost everyday and still walks in with a smile and wants to wrestle with Cole. He is that dad that doesn't bat an eye when I ask him to watch the kids when I need a night out, the dad who gets in the pool with them while I want to stay dry and warm, the dad that coaches the soccer team, the dad that takes them to movies by himself while I play Volleyball, the dad that cares for his kids. That's the kind of dad my kids have.

I also have been lucky enough to have the best father in law. He is quiet, respectful and he loves his grandkids... and it shows. Thanks Steve, I love you.
To my dad. you were that dad who let us girls put curlers in your hair, ride on your back and told us crazy bedtime stories. Thanks Dad, I love you.


The Arbuckle's said...

Welcome back to blogging.

Happy Father's day Brett! That was a great article, thanks anne.

Ross and Aubrey said...

Loved the article. So true, but I think we've got some of the few good men :)

Lacey Voris said...

Amen! Brett is a great dad :) Glad you blogged some more. Miss you guys!

Leslie said...

what a great blog!. it is great to have good men in are lives. glad all had a great fathers day. love ya

Kellee said...

Such a sweet post and great tribute to Brett, Steve and your dad.

Hailey said...

Love that article. Makes me count our blessing for good "dad's" and father in laws. Good blog!! miss you guys.