

Hallie {7 years old}

Hallie {7 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Lillie {6 months}

Lillie {6 months}
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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The birthday parties...

 As you can see, September is a busy month for our family. Both Hallie and Cole get to celebrate their birthday in the same month and for the last two years I have combined them because for the most part, they hang out with all the same kids. So far so good.
 This year we invited some friends to a park for Pizza and then after we headed to Kangaroo Zoo and stayed all night. Hallie invited: Claire Neilsen, Halle Crockett, Rachel Preston, and Abby Morris.
All of these girls are considered some of Hal's best friends. We did however miss the Kilgore girls.

Cole invited: Ethan Holmes (his best friend from the ward), and Cyrus Neilsen (his best friend) and Brenna Wentworth (best friend/cousin).

What a crazy bunch! They are so lucky to have such fun friends.

We also have family over for cake and ice cream to celebrate their birthdays seperately. For Hallie's party I made her a rainbow cake with five layers of different colored cakes.
And Cole wanted a batman cake, so I made cupcakes and frosted the Batman logo over all of them.
Sorry, no pictures.
Brett and I are so grateful for these two beautiful, funny, smart and loving children in our family. We are also grateful that September is over;)


Nielsen Family said...

We love your kids so much! Thanks for inviting us to the festivities! Sure was fun! You guys have the best kids, and my kids are so lucky to have them as friends!

Leslie said...

loved all the cakes. you did a great job & all the parties are always fun. glad its over for ya. love ya

Ross and Aubrey said...

Glad September is over for you too :)

But it's so fun celebrating the birthdays! We love those kids.

The Arbuckle's said...

What a fun party. Glad that they're ok with combining parties, saves you time and money. just wait until you have to do separate parties.

Wish we could have been there. Miss you guys.