

Hallie {7 years old}

Hallie {7 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Lillie {6 months}

Lillie {6 months}
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Friday, March 02, 2012

25 1/2 Weeks

                                                       *picture taken by Hallie on my phone*

Here is a belly shot of baby #3. This baby is constantly moving around, especially when it's time for bed, and seems to be more active than the other two babies I carried. Although, my memory isn't what it used to be and I really can't remember that far back, but this one is very active.

I went into my Dr.s today and I have gained 7lbs. The baby's heartbeat is a strong 140 and we still will not find out the gender of the baby until June 15th. So stop asking and telling me I'm crazy to not find out...I was going to have my doctor write out the gender on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. I would then give that said envelope to my closest friend Kadie or my  sister Aubrey along with some money to go and buy some new essentials, but I asked my doctor if she knew what we were having and she told me that the ultrasound tech forgot to write in on my chart (which usually never happens, I guess) so my doctor is in the dark like the rest of us. She admitted that she is pretty excited to see what it is too.

Every day Cole asks me when the baby is coming. I always disappoint him with my answer, he can't seem to grasp the concept of time. I tell him the baby will come in about 4 months and he always replies, " only 4 days... that's it?" If only it were that fast Bud!

Brett and I haven't done anything to get ready for this new addition. We will eventually move Cole downstairs with Hallie and have the baby upstairs in it's own room, but for right now, there's no rush or sense of urgency like I had with the other two.

I have one more appointment with my doctor in 4 weeks and after that I start going in every two weeks. I told my doctor how long this pregnancy has been for me, but after she told me about my appointments being every two weeks, I said "Already?" like this pregnancy had been the fastest one I've had... which it hasn't. I guess it took me by surprise a little. 



The Arbuckle's said...

I say you are having a boy. You are carrying small just like you did with him. i remember with Hal you were MUCH bigger than that.

We're excited to find out what you are having as well.

Unknown said...

YAY!! Can't wait to see what baby Hewlett is!! SO EXCITING!!

Leslie said...

here's to baby ??? we will love he/she so much anyway. i can't believe another baby will be around. just seems like aubs maya was just born & she's almost 9 mths. wow it goes by fast.

Ross and Aubrey said...

It's kind of fun that you're not finding out, I'm SO excited!

Nikki said...

You have only gained 7 pounds?! I gain that in the first month! You look great, June is right around the corner, yay!

Nikki said...
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