

Hallie {7 years old}

Hallie {7 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Lillie {6 months}

Lillie {6 months}
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Monday, June 04, 2012

Preschool Program

I call it Preschool program because Cole is not graduating from preschool this year. He has one more year and then he's off to Kindergarten.
Cole's program was a patriotic theme. The kids had to wear red, white or blue and each child had a letter of the alphabet and a line that went with it. Cole's line was... "G is for George Washington, the father of our country."

Miss Jolynn (Cole's teacher) is so sweet and so good with the kids. Cole just loved her and learned a lot in his first year of school. His handwriting really improved and he can recognized letters and sounds. His speech is doing very well and he will correct himself if he doesn't say a word properly.
During the program, Miss Jolynn, had a segment called "Remember When", and she wrote down all the funny things the kids said throughout the year. Coles funny line was this:
Cole: Miss Jolynn, my mommy's going to have a baby!
MJ: She is? What is it going to be, a boy or a girl baby?
Cole: A boy or a girl or an apple!

This kid is hilarious! We are so proud of him and the progress he has made. He absolutely loved preschool and can't wait until he can go again.


The Arbuckle's said...

Congrats cole. I agree, he has grown up so much and is such a funny kid. Love him.

Leslie said...

ohhh soo sad had to miss his preschool program, but i am sure he did great. hopefully next year his and brennas are not on the same day. :(