

Hallie {7 years old}

Hallie {7 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Cole {5 years old}

Lillie {6 months}

Lillie {6 months}
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Monday, June 04, 2012


Our kids love Soccer. They look forward to playing every season, I just wish they were on the same team. Hallie gets to play with her friend Rachel and Cole gets to play with his friend Noah. It works great.

Hallie is not aggressive at all. She usually runs on the outside of the group and stays back to play defense. She tries to play goalie and I think she likes to be out of the middle and on her own. She always listens to her coach and has improved her soccer skills this year... I think she is running a bit faster too:)

Cole is very aggressive! He is always where the action is and is trying to always kick the ball. He is actually a good, little player and is finally learning that he is not a one man team and he can pass the ball to the others. He makes the funniest faces and the silliest noises on the field... I think he's pretending to be a Power Ranger while playing soccer:) Every time he makes a goal, he looks at me and gives me a thumbs up... it melts me! I love watching my kids play sports. I love that they are active and that they want to get out and play.


The Arbuckle's said...

Your kids crack me up. Glad we came to one of hallie's games, wish we could have watched cole.

Leslie said...

they do pretty good in soccer. love to watch them play. every year they improve so much. what a fun time